An artist never stops learning: through its network of skilled instructors, le CAB strives to be a learning environment for artists of all abilities.
CAB workshops
NEW!Les ateliers du dimanche, our hands-on Sunday workshops are going on until May 28. Click here for details!
Our hands-on workshop series is designed to help you discover your inner artist. Keep an eye on our social media to learn about our programming.
Let's create together at La Manivelle
On Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., CAB members are invited to create together in a casual setting at La Manivelle. Enjoy feedback from your peers and connect with other artists in the community. A donation of $2 per visit is requested.
Special workshops
Le CAB occasionally offers special programming to support an artist's work, such as theory and practical classes. Details of these courses are posted on our social media.